Thursday, April 28, 2011

ThreaT: bell bottom is back!

oh nooooo! i dont know what am i gna do with how maneehh leggings and skinny jeans i have?
but oh come on.... we re getting tired of having the same look of skinny on our legs right?

so i think this is time for a change!
a revival!
bell bottom is back!

well i remember when i was in middle school...
hahaha all i wear is bell bottom jeans!
i wonder where they are now...
you know exactly what i mean...
during those years WHEN all we ve been wearing is just skinny bottoms...
and ouh! when we look back at our pictures wearing those bell bottoms? eeuww
but guess what.... it is now going to be a fun season!

if we look back...
u girls remember when legging was up, right!?
it all started by the japanese girls!
they were wearing super short skirt(nearly below ur buttocks)
with knee length leggings!

then the long ones came...
then skinny jeans came...

coming from a fashion industry background.. i know exactly how many years..our production has been making leggings for. i believe it was from 2004 tillll last weeekkk!!!!!
made so much money on it! $$$ hahaha.
so easy to make and so fast selling it was.
we made leggings for the grandmas, the pregnants, the kids, and the girls of course!
they still actually sell welll here in Indonesia till now... ???

last but not least
you know ...
leggings make u dress lazy!
bell bottom jeans will make u look much taller, top body skinnier, and styleeesh!

and so: will u give it up? your leggings and skinny jeans? byebyemylove

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the tourist: let's steal agent Elise Clifton Ward's look

let's steal her looksss
so gorgeously.. agent Elise
oh please do not tell me you have not watch this movie?
go go get it cos you are fashionably in need to watch this.
this movie is so much an eye candy, light, funny, and entertaining.

more lady more sexy

ladylike in the 60's:
something more classic
something more sophisticated
something more sophia loren
something more like angelina jolie in her new movie the tourist
(that's right! which reminds me to post just on her in that movie and we can steal her looks)
anyway.. something with loooonger hemline perhaps...
here is the new trend of spring summer 2011:


daisy dukes, bikinis on top...
Sunkist skin and Popsicle...
reminds me of california gurls-katy perry
which means........ summer is cominggggg!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BOB and bangs is B.A.C.K.

this is new come back of bob and bangs for the hairstyle of 2011
i remember we just had it hot during the year of 2009 and 2010 brought by victoria beckham
woudn't expect that it's gna come back again this fast...
check out this fabulous hairstyle
and lets have a REVIVAL 70's look girls