Sunday, August 30, 2009

Women: Be Brave, Feel Empowered!


I assumed you've seen Harry Potter the movie. Right?
When I saw Professor's Minerva McGonagall's blazer, the sharp shoulder one.
I talked to my best-buds, "I think we will see these blazers soon in stores or media."

Look on how fashion spreads. Designers are inspired by anything, anywhere.
You may never figured it out where are those shapes or prints or materials idea came from?
Peclers may have the inspiration source for designers, but we can never measure each individual's imaginations. This is what I love about fashion, it has Art, it has Imagination, it has Desire, it has History, it has Love.

This Sharp Shoulder fashion is like the invention on Stiletto.
It gives women power, confidence, and courage to be brave.
Well, at least for a couple of months, to have something new and empowering in your closet.

The 40's Glamour

I love these pictures.
I love these ladies.
I love that fashion exists.
History is not something that we could only hear and study anymore.
Now we can live in history. Experience it with fashion.

The New Shape

Fashion goes with time. It repeats history.
Today the world is highly impacted by recession.
People are dressing down, people are spending less on everything.
Fast food comes as an option. During this period of life, people are dressing loose apparels.
They started to wear big clothes which didn't reveal the body line anymore.
These clothes are much more comfortable, lazy, and easy to wear without needing to match many other things with it.
But designers and brands of the world, like Louis Vuitton, creatively taking this chance to create something marvelous.
Dressing down doesn't have to look unpretty. They can make things that are not pretty to be one.